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Ntapat Worapongpat
Pipat Kongtek


This research is a study of boom welding of hydraulic excavators. Studying the welding process of excavators by using the production data record check sheet to collect waste data that occurs in the production process, using Pareto charts and using fishbone diagrams together with analyzing brainstorming techniques. Find the cause of the problem, including the proof of the real cause from the actual site and make improvement plans. using the PDCA process and then tracking the work using a check sheet Collect data after improvement and conclusion of the research. The results of the research showed that the problems arising from the production process and methods It is the cause of waste in the production process. The waste that occurred before the data update for 3 months, January-March 2013, the average waste was 28.5%. April-June 2013 dropped to 9.8%

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