Information system development for online inventory management case study Somsak Construction Materials Ltd., Partnership

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chadarat khwunnak
Phannapasa Pinkaew
Jirapong Tuikan
Suksa Uncharoen


The purpose of this study was to develop an information system for inventory management. A case study of Somsak Construction Materials Ltd., Partnership. and study the quality of information systems for managing inventory data The target group was 1 entrepreneur, Somsak Building Materials Ltd., Partnership, 2 partners, and 2 salespersons, totaling 5 people.
The researcher selects a specific target group as a person who actually works at Somsak Construction Materials Ltd., Partnership. The tool used in the research was the Visual Studio Code program combined with the Xampp program to store data in the database and a quality assessment form for information systems used for inventory data management The statistics used in data analysis were mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The study found that the Inventory management information systems are Able to check product information, add products, delete products, edit products, sell products, display the remaining amount of products in the system, and calculate change and issue receipts. The system is easy to use, users can easily learn and understand it. The overall quality of system usage was at a high level.

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