Examination of Microbiological Qualities of Phrik Larb Sold in Tessaban 1 Market, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai Province

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Angsana Pratchayachompoo
Tippawan Prasertsin


The objectives of this research were to study of total microorganisms, yeast and mold in Phrik Larb (Chili Spices Mix), Mueang Chiang Rai district, Chiang Rai province. Samples were taken from 3 shops to determine the total microorganisms, yeast and mold by standard plate count using pour-plate technique, then the number of colonies were count and then compared with the standard of community products in the category of Phrik Larb 493/2547 stipulates that the total microbial must exceed 1 × 104 colonies per 1 gram of sample and amount of yeast and mold must not exceed 100 colonies per 1 gram of sample. The results showed that different amounts
of microbial contamination, shop 1found the highest contamination (total microorganisms:
4.02 × 104±0.7 colonies per 1 gram of sample, yeast and mold: 1.10×104 ±0.54 colonies per 1 gram of sample) followed by shop 3 (total microorganisms: 1.22 x 104±1.58 colonies per 1 gram of sample, yeast and mold: 1.46 × 103 ± 0.00 colonies per 1 gram of sample) and shop 2 (total microorganisms: 1.38 x 104±1.6 colonies per 1 gram of sample, yeast and mold: 1.97 × 103±2.60 colonies per 1 gram of sample), respectively. When comparing the results of all microorganisms with the standard of community products in the category of Phrik Larb 493/2547, it was found that total microorganisms, yeast and mold in all 3 shops exceeded the standard.

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