Model of a mushroom nursery with suitable for growth using Solid work program

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Kanchanok Thongchub
Tanakorn Thongloy
Sirilak Keawrayub
Sarayut Pantian


The purpose of this research was to study the air distribution pattern in the mushroom nursery. Design and build a mushroom nursery with suitable temperature for mushroom growth. And compare the temperature obtained from the model with the temperature obtained from the mushroom house from the suitable model. There are 3 models of the model that installed the fan in different positions: 1st Model, model of mushroom nursery without ventilation fan. 2nd Model, model of mushroom nursery with ventilation fan at the gable and 3rd Model, model of the mushroom nursery with the ventilation fan installed in the middle of the mushroom nursery wall. The temperature was measured at 8 locations of the nursery at every 9 a.m. for 10 days. The results of the research showed that the installation of fans in different positions affected the distribution of air inside the mushroom nursery. The 2nd and 3rd models had good distribution of air inside the mushroom nursery. The temperatures shown from 1st , 2nd and 3rd Models were 31.0, 28.4 and 28.5 °C. For this reason, Model 2 has the most suitable distribution of air and temperature for mushroom growth. The Model 2 was used to build a real mushroom nursery, it turned out that the average temperature obtained was 28.4 °C.

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Research articles


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