The perceptions of pregnant women towards PM 2.5 pollution

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Chompunut Sopajaree
kruawan kamfoo
Boonyapat Shatpattananunt
Srisuruk Kietmaneerut
Salisa Kodyee
Nathamon Wuttipan
Prapatsorn Thammetha
Nilawan Chanthapreeda


The objective of this mixed methods research was to study pregnant women's perceptions of particulate matter 2.5 microns (PM 2.5) pollution in Chiang Rai Province. The quantitative study collected data from 108 pregnant women using stratified random sampling. The tools were a questionnaire to measure knowledge about prevention and health care when exposed to PM 2.5, and a measure of awareness of problem solving and health care when PM 2.5 occurred. The questionnaire had a reliability between 0.51 - 0.89. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The qualitative study collected data by conducting in-depth interviews with 10 purposively selected pregnant women. The data were analyzed using content analysis and triangulation. The results found that pregnant women had a mean score of 7.55 in knowledge about prevention and health care in the event of PM 2.5 pollution, with a standard deviation of 1.18. They had the highest awareness of abnormal signs and symptoms when in a place with a large amount of PM 2.5, with a mean of 4.58, a standard deviation of 0.55, and had the least awareness of monitoring the severity of the PM 2.5 problem, with a mean of 4.31, a standard deviation of 0.65. In addition, they need information on how to self-care and deal with problems when faced with PM 2.5 pollution, as well as cooperation from all sectors to prevent and reduce PM 2.5. Therefore, education for pregnant women to keep themselves safe from PM 2.5 and cooperation from all sectors in preventing and reducing PM 2.5 pollution should be promoted.

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