Development of Checklist Application Technology for Dairy Goat Farm Management of the Group Goat Milking Enterprises, Si Thep District, Phetchabun Province

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Rattanakorn Saenthumpol
Janjira Tohkwankaew
Piphat Chanartaeparporn


The objective of this research was to develop a checklist application on android mobile phones of dairy goat farm management, and to study the satisfaction of application users. Population used to evaluate application usage Farmers, Group Goat Milking Enterprises, Si Thep District, Phetchabun Province. There were 3 experts to evaluate the analysis of experts' development tools and the satisfaction assessment form of the checklist application dairy goat farm management. Statistical methods used for data analysis included calculating the mean and standard deviation. The results of the research showed that the quality assessment of the checklist application for dairy goat farm management for experts was very satisfied overall ( =4.48,
S.D=0.54) and farmers were satisfied with the overall quality level ( =4.63, S.D=0.52). It shows that the concept of this designed and developed system can be effectively implemented. Checklist Application users can collect comprehensive information on dairy goat farm management and benefit dairy goat farm management of community enterprise farmers. This will lead to increased productivity and sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the future.

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Research articles
Author Biography

Piphat Chanartaeparporn, Program of Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Industrial Technology, Phetchabun Rajabhat University, Phetchabun 67000



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