Effects of the Curriculum for Enhancing Competencies in Health Promotion of the Elderly by Community Participation on Functional Fitness and Quality of Life

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Chaiya Noradechanunt
Watchara Kiantah
Puangkaew Sankum
Primprapha Konkaew
Phimnipha Boonprasert
Ratcharaporn Mansiri


The purpose of this research was to examine effects of the curriculum for enhancing competencies in health promotion of the elderly by community participation on functional fitness and quality of life in Chom Thong Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phitsanulok Province.
This was a quasi-experimental study with one group pretest-posttest design to compare the functional fitness and quality of life of the elderly at baseline and at the end of experiment.
The sample group consisted of 30 purposively selected elderly students who participated in learning experience activities with demonstrations and curriculum exercises for a period of 12 weeks. Data were collected using validated tools, including a personal data record form, a Senior Fitness Test battery, and a Thai version of the brief form of the World Health Organization Quality of Life. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a paired samples t-test. The results showed that at the end of experiment: mean scores of the functional fitness assessments, including diastolic blood pressure, waist circumference, upper and lower body muscle strength, lower body flexibility, balance and agility, and aerobic endurance significantly improved compared to those at baseline (p<0.05); and mean scores of the quality of life assessments on overall and three components, including mental, social, and environmental aspects were significantly higher than those at baseline (p<0.05).

The results indicate that the curriculum can improve health and quality of life of the elderly. Therefore, it should be implemented in a way that is appropriate to the local context and is consistent with the problems, and that truly meets the needs of the elderly.

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