Assessment of Water Quality, Trophic Status and Carbon Dioxide Captured by Biomass Producers in the Lentic Ecosystem of Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

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Kittichai Chantima
Krittawit Suk-uen
Sutthida Tata


The objective of this study was to investigate water quality, trophic status, and assess the CO2 capture by biomass producers. Water samples were collected using grab sampling from
three sampling sites and five times in Nong Bua of Chiang Rai Rajabhat University area during August-September 2021, and subsequently examined for physico-chemical water quality, Net primary Productivity (NPP) and CO2 captured. The trophic status of water sources was evaluated, and the relationship between Sechi transparency, nutrients, and CO2 capture by biomass producers was analyzed. The examined of the physico-chemical properties of water indicated that the water quality index predominantly aligns with established criteria for type 2 surface water. The mean NPP was 233.46±200.97 mgC·m-2·day-1, whereas the biomass producers captured an average of 856.80±737.57 mgC·m-2·day-1 of CO2. Furthermore, the assessment based on Trophic State Index (TSI), which take into account total phosphorus, indicated that all water sources were in a hypereutrophic, whereas an assessment based on TSI measurements of Sechi transparency values classed all water sources as eutrophic. The regression analysis revealed significant relationships (p < 0.001) between CO2 capture and the total phosphorus, nitrate nitrogen, and Sechi transparency.

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