The Designed and Development of Fluid Bed Roasters for Coffee and Cocoa Controlled by Node-RED and PID

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Nongnoot Srilek
Jinda Sirita
Pran makarkard


This research studies and designed fluid bed roasters for coffee and cocoa controlled by Node-RED and PID. The research process is to design a fluid bed roasting system that uses hot air to drive coffee beans or cocoa into the roasting room. Designed a temperature control system by generating a Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) by microcontroller. The PWM signal is transferred to the heater for controlled temperature. Node-RED operates an automation roasting system. The result shows that the fluid bed roasters for coffee and cocoa using time for roasting coffee lower than drum roaster is 500 s from 900-1,200 s. The use time for roasting cocoa as 540 s is same general roasting cocoa as 300-3,900 s. And, the controller system controls steady temperatures as 120-190 ºC. analyzed for mean absolute percentage error (MAE) of coffee and cocoa as 1.04% and 1.01% respectively.

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