The impact of media exposure on fashion consciousness: A qualitative study


  • Michelle Khoo Su Ann Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur 56000, Malaysia
  • Ashraf Sadat Ahadzadeh Department of Journalism, Xiamen University Malaysia, Bandar, Sepang 43900, Malaysia
  • Mansour Amini School of Languages, Literacies, and Translation, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang 11800, Malaysia


fashion consciousness, media exposure, self-discrepancy theory, social cognitive theory, youth


This study explored the impact of media exposure on fashion consciousness among youth, using a qualitative approach. Nine Malaysian Chinese male and female interviewees aged 21–25 were recruited with purposive and snowball sampling for data collection. How fashion consciousness is propelled by media exposure was sought via in-depth open-ended questions drawing upon the theories of self-discrepancy and social cognition. Six themes were identified after the coding and recoding processes. It was found that media exposure acted as a crucial hub in information acquisition on latest trends. The participants obtained their ideal images of self via media and either adapted it to their own styles, or retained their own styles.




How to Cite

Ann, M. K. S. ., Ahadzadeh, A. S. ., & Amini, M. . (2022). The impact of media exposure on fashion consciousness: A qualitative study. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 43(2), 447‒454. retrieved from



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