Creating a Competitive Advantage for Thai SMEs towards Thailand 4.0 Era

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Tawamin Kruasom


          Thailand 4.0 era or “Innovative Drive Economy” has been focused significantly in order to move forwards to generate prosperity, security and sustainability. Small and medium enterprise (SMEs) has been reaching huge economic growth for Thailand. The objective for this research was to explore how Thai SMEs reached a competitive advantage under Thailand 4.0 era. The case of Ban Nong Khon Village located in Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand was selected purposively by considering in both of its strengths and operation period. This village is popular in various handmade products and has granted many awards from Thai government. The in-depth interview and focused-group interview were employed through 15 members by qualitative approach. Triangulations were strictly concerned with a data interpretation. The findings shown that the competitive advantage of Thai SMEs was driven from being learning organization and organization creativity. The competitive advantage revealed in bundled potential resources. Importantly, dynamic capability in term of technology and innovation forced moderately between organization creativity and competitive advantage. The conceptual framework representing in this study is able to contribute for both of theoretical and practical paradigm.

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How to Cite
Kruasom, T. (2018). Creating a Competitive Advantage for Thai SMEs towards Thailand 4.0 Era. KKBS Journal of Business Administration and Accountancy, 1(1), 1–20. Retrieved from
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