Consumers’ resistance to mobile banking using and organizational performance: a conceptual framework

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Peevara Parnitvitidkun
Pensri Jaroenwanit


          In increasingly competitive environments, the globalization of financial services rapidly expands. Banking consumers are able to access at any time via their mobile devices and from most locations via the Internet; in the meantime, organizations have attempted to search for effective strategies and apply them into their business operations for pursuing sustainable competitive advantage and achieving best performance are needed. Most of the previous researches on the mobile banking mainly focus on intention to use. In order to extend the knowledge in this field. Despite this lack of consensus, the existing literature consistently suggests that an important, building on the innovation resistance theory is scarcity or limited availability. To fill this research gap, this paper develops a conceptual framework which examines the impact of functional and psychological barriers to a person’s intention to resist using mobile banking and organizational performance in unbanked mobile phone Thai users. Hopefully, this study will offer implications for future research and design organizational strategies in the cashless society that holds value to both academics and practitioners working in the field.

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Parnitvitidkun, P., & Jaroenwanit, P. (2019). Consumers’ resistance to mobile banking using and organizational performance: a conceptual framework. KKBS Journal of Business Administration and Accountancy, 2(2), 1. retrieved from
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