An evaluation of the information system for Cooperative Education, a case study in the Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University

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นิพจน์พัทธ์ เมืองโคตร
เอกชัย แน่นอุดร
เกรียงศักดิ์ จันทีนอก


           Recently, the Cooperative Education in the Department of Student Affairs of the Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University has been found to have a number of problems in their operations. For example, the business organizations data collection of the Cooperative Education Center in the Student Affairs Division of Mahasarakham University is difficult to access. The storage for these files are disorganized and are hard to search. Student data are not updated or are redundant. This is because the methods of collecting of data between students and the Cooperative Education staff are not identical. The students cannot access the files to check the status of business organizations, nor can they survey new business organizations. Also, the Cooperative Education staff who serves the users (business organizations, students, and cooperative advisors) lacks the support system to accommodate the users. Therefore, this research presents a new development system called the Cooperative Education Information System (CoEIS). To evaluate the satisfaction of users for the CoEIS the researcher has created a questionnaire for these users in order to understand the problems, solutions, and other issues for future development. There are 208 respondents comprised of two advisors and 206 students. The results confirm the satisfaction of the users of the CoEIS. The satisfaction is high at a satisfactory level of 4 out of 5. This means that the CoEIS can solve the problems mentioned above, and is able to answer the research objectives quite well. Consequently, the Cooperative Education staff, business organizations, students, and cooperative advisors will have used the most effective and efficient tool, and will raise the quality of the service process.

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How to Cite
เมืองโคตร น., แน่นอุดร เ., & จันทีนอก เ. (2019). An evaluation of the information system for Cooperative Education, a case study in the Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University. KKBS Journal of Business Administration and Accountancy, 3(2), 55–74. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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