Entrepreneurial Marketing Innovativeness and Marketing Success: Empirical Evidence from Tourism Businesses (SMEs) in Thailand
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The tourism industry is one of Thailand's main economic drivers, which can continuously generate high income from international tourists. Since the COVID-19 pandemic has expanded across the world, tourism is one of the most severely affected sectors in this current crisis. This is a major challenge to the tourism industry to confront intense competition and changes in consumer's lifestyles under the new normal phenomenon. The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of entrepreneurial marketing innovativeness on the marketing success of tourism businesses (SMEs) in Thailand, using the lens of dynamic capability and contingency theory. The conceptual model was empirically tested using a questionnaire survey with 134 tourism businesses (SMEs) in Thailand. The results from multiple regression analysis indicated that the four dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing innovativeness only the dimension of collaboration resource availability of the entrepreneurial marketing innovativeness had an effect on marketing advantage, marketing excellence, and marketing success. The dimensions of opportunity utilization proactiveness had an effect on marketing advantage and marketing success. The only dimensions of marketing risks acceptance had effects on marketing excellence. However, the dimension of novelty value co-creation had no effect on marketing advantage, marketing excellence, and marketing success. The results from this research also suggested how theoretical concepts can be practical implemented in tourism businesses under the new normal phenomenon, in which prior marketing best practices are becoming obsolete and cannot keep the business viable.
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