Camping Experiences Affecting Tourist Destination Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Novelty Seeking and Fun

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Daorung Fakthong
Wongladda Weerapaiboon


       The objectives of this research were to study (1) the direct effect of camping experiences on destination loyalty, and (2) the mediation effect of novelty seeking and fun in the relationship between the camping experiences and destination loyalty. This study employed a quantitative research approach. Questionnaires were used to collect data from 356 Thai tourists who were members of Facebook camping groups and traveled for camping in Thailand. A covariance-based structural equation model (covariance-based SEM) consisting of path analysis was used for the data analysis. The results showed that the fun variable had the highest level of influence on the tourists' destination loyalty. In addition, all three hypotheses were accepted from the hypothesis testing results. Therefore, the relevant government and non-governmental organizations should focus on creating a positive experience by developing elements of a camping destination to attract tourists. Simultaneously, they should emphasize creating experiences that would be emotionally valuable as well. In particular, fun had the greatest influence on destination loyalty. Moreover, new experiences should be created to meet the unique novelty needs of each tourist. This would be because all these variables would play an important role in driving destination loyalty. Thus, this would be a theoretical benefit that would show the effect of the mediation variables on novelty seeking and fun in the relationship between experience and destination loyalty in the context of camping tourism. Hence, this would lead to long-term competitive advantages for camping destinations.

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How to Cite
Fakthong , D. ., & Weerapaiboon, W. (2023). Camping Experiences Affecting Tourist Destination Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Novelty Seeking and Fun. KKBS Journal of Business Administration and Accountancy, 7(1), 26–48. retrieved from
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