Influence of Constructive Organizational Culture on the Innovative Work Performance of Salespersons: The Role of Behavior Control and Social Support
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The purposes of this research were to study the Influence of Constructive Organizational Culture on the Innovative Work Performance of Salespersons: The role of Behavior Control and Social Support. The sample was 408 Thai sales operations who have been working in all Bangkok areas. The data was collected with an online questionnaire. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage mean, and standard deviation. The data was analyzed using Enter Multiple Regression. The results of the study were the perceived constructive organizational cultures including tacit knowledge exchange and networking behaviors had a positive affecting the innovative work performance of salespersons. The research also found that the moderating role of perceived behavior control namely activity control and perceived social support namely perceived social support, organization support, and co-worker support affect the relationship between constructive organizational cultures on innovative work performance.
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