The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support, Work-family Conflict, and Emotional Exhaustion on Turnover Intention in Chinese Liquor Enterprises

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XiangXiang Wang
Peevara Parnitvitidkun
Chonnatcha Kungwansupaphan


This study investigates the impact of perceived organizational support, work-family conflict, and emotional exhaustion on turnover intention in liquor enterprises. This study reports the results from an online questionnaire survey on 361 employees in the liquor enterprises in Guizhou, People's Republic of China. The findings based on multiple regression analysis show that perceived organizational support, work-family conflict, and emotional exhaustion significantly affect turnover intention. The research results contribute to knowledge by choosing work-family conflict and emotional exhaustion as occupational stressors and prove that these are two stressors and perceived organizational support positively affects turnover intention. In summary, the findings serve as a guiding principle for managers to deal with reducing employee turnover intention problems among employees, improving perceived organizational support like pay increases, and improving the accommodation environment for employees. Managers should be concerned about employees' mental health and work-family conflict, encourage them to work hard and give employees appropriate rewards - such as holidays.

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How to Cite
Wang , X. ., Parnitvitidkun, P., & Kungwansupaphan , C. . (2024). The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support, Work-family Conflict, and Emotional Exhaustion on Turnover Intention in Chinese Liquor Enterprises. KKBS Journal of Business Administration and Accountancy, 8(2), 27–39. Retrieved from
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