The Content Presentation Strategies in the Essays of High School Students Competing in the 1st Burapha Pasa Thai, 2021


  • Chuthamat Srirasa Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University
  • Chittapa Sarapadnuke Chaipunya Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University
  • Chanikant Kukeati Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University
  • Kanrapee Somchit Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University
  • Sarinya Khwanthong Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University
  • Karnrawe Elabyad Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Burapha University



Content Presentation Strategy, Essay, High School


The objective of this study is to examine the content presentation found in the essays of high school students competing in the 1st Burapha Pasa Thai, 2021 (1st Event on the Thai Language at Burapha University). Based on 4 essay components: title, introduction, body, and conclusion, the findings were as follows. For the title, 5 styles of titling were found including 1) using rhyme, 2) saying straight forward, 3) attracting or puzzling, 4) using pun, and 5) questioning. There were 7 patterns found in the introduction including 1) giving opinion toward current phenomenon, 2) giving definition, 3) making use of poem, rhyme or epigram, 4) questioning, 5) making use of a quote from famous person, 6) making use of metaphor, and 7) beginning with a rhetorical question. The body consisted of 3 sections: information, example, and explanation, and 5 strategies were found including 1) giving suggestions, 2) making decision, 3) showing observed issues, 4) evaluating the issue, and 5) expressing an emotion. For the conclusion, 10 strategies were found in the studied essays including 1) emphasizing the topic, inviting, convincing or asking for cooperation, 2) questioning and convincing, 3) making use of rhyme or words agreeing with the title, 4) making use of verse, 5) highlighting the advantages/disadvantages, 6) giving meaning and persuasion, 7) showing causes and effects, 8) making use of a quote from famous person, 9) making use of comparison, and 10) making use of epigram or expressing an opinion.


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How to Cite

Srirasa, C. ., Sarapadnuke Chaipunya, C., Kukeati, C., Somchit, K. ., Khwanthong, S., & Elabyad, K. (2022). The Content Presentation Strategies in the Essays of High School Students Competing in the 1st Burapha Pasa Thai, 2021. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 17(1), 100–110.



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