The Quality of factory warehouse rental service provider in the case of Study the users of factory warehouse rental services. Chotitanawat Co., Ltd.


  • Nanthiya Thiamool Ramkhamhaeng University


quality of management, service, factory warehouse rental


                  This thesis is study with the objectives (1) studying the quality of factory warehouse rental service provider in the case of Study the users of factory warehouse rental services. Chotitanawat Co., Ltd. (2) Seek the relationship between management The quality of services, business leasing, warehouse, factory, warehouse, factory case the rental company Joti Dhanavat limited to the quality of service. Using mixed methods by collecting data from questionnaires (QuestionnaiRe) from users who rent a factory warehouse, Chotthanawat Co., Ltd. is quantitative. The sample consisted of 138 establishments. And qualitative The sample group was used for 16 establishments. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and Pearson Correlation Coefficient were analyzed using descriptive statistics. By setting the statistical significance level at 0.05

                  The results of the study found that (1) the quality of the factory warehouse rental service business case study: Tenants using the factory warehouse in Chodthanawat Co., Ltd. consists of responding to users. In providing confidence to users In knowing and understanding of users Concrete aspects of the service And in terms of reliability Overall, k is at a high level (2). The relationship between service quality management of warehouse rental users of Chodthanawat Co., Ltd. for service quality The service was found in the overall picture (R = .87) when considered in each aspect Service quality management of users who rent a factory warehouse. Chodthanawat Co., Ltd. has a relationship with service quality. Concrete aspects of the service (R = .79), reliability (R = .72), responding to users (R = .70), providing confidence to users (R = = .85) and knowing and understanding of service users (R = .85) in relation with statistical significance at the level of 0.05 



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How to Cite

Thiamool, N. . (2020). The Quality of factory warehouse rental service provider in the case of Study the users of factory warehouse rental services. Chotitanawat Co., Ltd. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(2), 53–64. retrieved from