Quality Management (PDCA) in strategic human resource development of Tha Mai Ruak Subdistrict Municipality, Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province


  • Arida sangrit Stamford International University


Quality Management, Strategic Human Resources Development, Subdistrict Municipality


This research aimed to study: (1) level of quality management in strategic human resource development of Tha Mai Ruak Subdistrict Municipality, Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province (2) the composition of leadership of Tha Mai Ruak Subdistrict Municipality Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province. (3) the composition of leadership in relation to quality management in strategic human resource development of Tha Mai Ruak Subdistrict Municipality, Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province The sample consisted of 130 personnel of Tha Mai Ruak Subdistrict Municipality, Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test and Multiple Regression Analysis.
Findings: (1) The leadership component of Tha Mai Ruak Subdistrict, Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province, found that in overall and in each aspect, there is a high level of practice. In order of motivation for personnel to realize and agree on organization development Creating environment In participation in organizational development Incentives and the creative use of human resources. (2) Quality Management in strategic human resource development of Tha Mai Ruak Sub district Municipality, in overall and in each aspect, there was a management at a high level arranged in the following order: improvement inspection and operational planning (3) leadership components in the overall aspect of motivating personnel to be aware and agree on organizational development creating environment and participation in organizational development have a rational relationship with quality management in strategic human resource development of Tha Mai Ruak Sub district Municipality, Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province with statistical significance of .001


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How to Cite

sangrit, A. (2020). Quality Management (PDCA) in strategic human resource development of Tha Mai Ruak Subdistrict Municipality, Tha Yang District, Phetchaburi Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(2), 41–52. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/240829