Service Quality of Agricultural Tourism of Livestock Learning Center, Petchaburi Animal Quarantine Station

Service Quality of Agricultural Tourism of Livestock Learning Center, Petchaburi Animal Quarantine Station


  • Gornrat Khumkra


Service quality, service factor, Livestock Learning Center, Animal Quarantine Station


The objectives of the study were 1) to study the service quality of agricultural tourism of livestock learning center at Petchaburi animal quarantine station, 2) to study the service factor of agricultural tourism of livestock learning center at Petchaburi animal quarantine station, and 3) to study the service factor towards a cause-effect relationship and service quality of agricultural tourism of livestock learning center at Petchaburi animal quarantine station. The sample of the study was 138 tourists staying in the areas of Petchaburi and nearby provinces of Petchaburi animal quarantine station during. The statistics employed in the study were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics by means of multiple regression analysis.   The study found that 1) the service quality of agricultural tourism of livestock learning center at Petchaburi animal quarantine station was at high levels in terms of the overall image and incomes. 2) The service factor of agricultural tourism of livestock learning center at Petchaburi animal quarantine station was at high levels with regard to the overall image and incomes. 3) The service factor towards to the expectations of the visitors, and the awareness of the visitors on a cause-effect relationship with service quality of livestock learning center at Petchaburi animal quarantine station has statistical significance at .01, and the service procedure on a cause-effect relationship with service quality of livestock learning center at Petchaburi animal quarantine station has statistical significance at .01.


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How to Cite

Khumkra, G. (2020). Service Quality of Agricultural Tourism of Livestock Learning Center, Petchaburi Animal Quarantine Station: Service Quality of Agricultural Tourism of Livestock Learning Center, Petchaburi Animal Quarantine Station. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(1), 1–14. retrieved from