Marketing Efficiency in Public Sector of the Lopburi Administrative Organization office

Marketing Efficiency in Public Sector of the Lopburi Administrative Organization office


  • Chatda Saikongdee


Efficiency, Marketing in Public Sector, Administrative Organization


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the Marketing Efficiency in Public Sector of the Lopburi Administrative Organization office. 2) To find the way to develop the Marketing Efficiency in Public Sector of the Lopburi Administrative Organization office. The sample group in the study were 200 people who used the service of Lopburi Administrative Organization office. The tools used for data collection were questionnaire. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, and one-way analysis of variance. The results found that 1) The overall of the Marketing Efficiency in Public Sector of the Lopburi Administrative Organization office is highest level. Considered by each field from highest to the lowest average were the needs of customer, customer expense, convenience, and communication respectively. The level of Lopburi Administrative Organization office were classified by gender, age, education, occupation, and income found that Marketing Efficiency in Public Sector of the Lopburi Administrative Organization office are varying with age, education, occupation and income with the statistically significance at .05 but not a difference by gender with significant at .05. 2) The way to develop the Marketing Efficiency in Public Sector of the Lopburi Administrative Organization office are should be increase personnel that provide various information, a place to wait for service, document filling place, information counter to be able to contact, and public relation document to contact the department.


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How to Cite

Saikongdee, C. . (2020). Marketing Efficiency in Public Sector of the Lopburi Administrative Organization office: Marketing Efficiency in Public Sector of the Lopburi Administrative Organization office. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(1), 15–28. retrieved from