Tax Collection Administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization, Kaengkrachan District, Phetchaburi Province

Tax Collection Administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization, Kaengkrachan District, Phetchaburi Province


  • Sumalee Chalermwong


Administration, Tax collection, Sub District Administration Organization


This research aimed to study 1) the result of tax collection administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization, Kaengkrachan District, Phetchaburi Province 2) the result of types of tax collection administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization 3) the casual relationships between factors in tax collection administration and tax collection administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization. The sample groups used in the research were 130 people who had duty to pay house and land tax, local maintenance tax, and sign tax in Wang Chan Sub District Administration Organization. Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out by means of percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The result of this research revealed that 1) types of tax collection administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization in overall was at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it showed at moderate level in every aspect as follows respectively; House and land tax collection administration, local maintenance tax collection administration, and sign tax collection administration 2) Factors in tax collection administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization, Kaengkrachan District, Phetchaburi Province in overall was at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it showed at moderate level in every aspect. The Public relation was ranked first, followed by information technology, the process of tax collection, officers, and satisfaction. 3) factors in tax collection administration in the aspects of officers, process of tax collocation, information technology, public relations, and satisfaction were related casually with tax collection administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization in the statistical significance of .001.


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How to Cite

Chalermwong, S. . (2020). Tax Collection Administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization, Kaengkrachan District, Phetchaburi Province: Tax Collection Administration of Wang Chan Sub District Administrative Organization, Kaengkrachan District, Phetchaburi Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(1), 43–54. retrieved from