The Adjustment of Unwanted Behavior of Autistic Child by Token Reinforcement

The Adjustment of Unwanted Behavior of Autistic Child by Token Reinforcement


  • Pongpon Pramotayakun


behavior adjustment, autistic child, reinforcement


This research aims at studying the result of token reinforcement to adjust undesirable behaviors of an autistic child, and comparing the results of pre and post implementation of token reinforcement. The subject of the study was an 11 year-old autistic child who was diagnosed with autism, but there was no multiple disabilities. The purposive sampling was utilized in the study. The period of the study was 5 weeks, conducted 5 days per week, totally 25 days. The behavior observation was operated 4 times, 15 minutes for each session, and entirely 60 minutes. The study revealed that 1) the undesirable behaviors of the autistic child was reduced by using token reinforcement, and 2) the results from comparing undesirable behaviors of the autistic child by token reinforcement disclosed that after having been adjusted undesirable behaviors, the autistic child has decreased undesirable behaviors than behaving previously


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How to Cite

Pramotayakun , P. . (2020). The Adjustment of Unwanted Behavior of Autistic Child by Token Reinforcement: The Adjustment of Unwanted Behavior of Autistic Child by Token Reinforcement. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(1), 77–86. retrieved from