Effectiveness of The Public Service Delivery of 191 emergency call center, Phetchaburi Provincial Police

ประสิทธิผลการให้บริการประชาชนของศูนย์รับแจ้งเหตุฉุกเฉิน 191 ตำรวจภูธรจังหวัดเพชรบุรี


  • รุ่งนภา ปี่แก้ว


Effectiveness, of Public Services, Police


This research aimed to study 1) Level of service effectiveness of The Public Service Delivery 191 emergency call center, Phetchaburi Provincial Police. 2) Public service factors in relation to effectiveness of The Public Service Delivery 191 emergency call center, Phetchaburi Provincial Police. Sample was 142 people. Analytical statistics were percentage, mean, S.D. and multiple regression analysis. Research found that; 1) Average level of The Public Service Delivery 191 emergency call center, Phetchaburi Provincial Police at high level as IT, Service provider, Report, and were at medium level as Liaison. and Service effectiveness average of the Public Service Delivery 191 emergency call center, Phetchaburi Provincial Police at highest level, and were at highest level in all aspects as Satisfaction of service, Convenience, Process of receiving notification. Public service factors were in casual relationships to effectiveness of public service at statistical significance .001. All aspects as Report, Service provider, IT, Liaison.




How to Cite

ปี่แก้ว ร. (2020). Effectiveness of The Public Service Delivery of 191 emergency call center, Phetchaburi Provincial Police: ประสิทธิผลการให้บริการประชาชนของศูนย์รับแจ้งเหตุฉุกเฉิน 191 ตำรวจภูธรจังหวัดเพชรบุรี. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 1(1), 13–26. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/242698