Morale in the Operation of Personnel in the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center

Morale in the Operation of Personnel in the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center


  • Thanakorn Promduang มหาวิทยาลัยนานาชาติแสตมฟอร์ด


Morale and Morale, Operations, Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center


This research aimed to study: 1) level of morale in the performance of personnel of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center 2) the operational factors of personnel in the Southern Border Provinces Administration Center 3) Operational  Factors Affecting the Morale on Work Performance of the personnel of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC). The sample group used in this study was personnel working in the administrative center unit. The southern border provinces administration comprised 122 people. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage, average, standard deviation. And inferential statistics By using chi-square statistics And multiple regression analysis. The results of the study revealed that 1) Morale in the performance of personnel of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center found that in general and each aspect, morals and The support was at a high level. In order of progress: Career progress, work done, being respected responsibility 2) Factors affecting the operation of personnel of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center  found that, in overall and in each aspect, there was a high level of operation. In the following order Management policy Operating environment Relations with supervisors And salary and compensation  3) operational factors Salary and compensation Working environment And the administration policy In general, there is a logical relationship between morale and morale of personnel in the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center with statistical significance at the level of .001


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How to Cite

Promduang, T. (2021). Morale in the Operation of Personnel in the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center: Morale in the Operation of Personnel in the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(1), 1–14. retrieved from