The Development of the Entire Organization Quality Management in Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province

The Development of the Entire Organization Quality Management in Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province


  • Kannika Meesap มหาวิทยาลัยนานาชาติแสตมฟอร์ด


Development, Total Quality Management, Sub-district Administrative Organization


This research aimed to 1) study the level of the Total Quality Management (TQM) of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District, Phetchaburi Province, 2) to study factors affecting the Total Quality Management of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District, Phetchaburi Province, and 3) to study the factors affecting the Total Quality Management with a causal relationship of the Total Quality Management of the Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District, Phetchaburi Province. The sample used for this research was 138 personnel of the Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District, Phetchaburi Province. Descriptive statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. In addition, Inferential statistics used to analyze the data were chi square and multiple regression analysis.

The results of the study were as follows. 1) The Total Quality Management of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District, Phetchaburi Province in overall was at high level as well as for each aspect.  The high levels were in the following order: teamwork, continuous improvement, administrative leadership, customer service importance and process management. 2) Factors affecting the Total Quality Management of Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District, Phetchaburi Province in overall were at high level. As for each aspect, it was at high level in the following order: communication, technology facility, corporate culture, and creativity. 3) Factors affecting the Total Quality Management with a causal relationship of the Total Quality Management of the Sub-district Administrative Organization in Mueang Phetchaburi District, Phetchaburi Province in creativity and corporate culture aspect showed a significant difference at the 0.001 level. According to communication aspect, there was a significant difference at the 0.01 level.


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How to Cite

Meesap, K. (2021). The Development of the Entire Organization Quality Management in Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province: The Development of the Entire Organization Quality Management in Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(1), 25–38. retrieved from