Development of Application for English Lesson for Grade 8 students

Development of Application for English Lesson for Grade 8 students


  • ณฐาภพ สมคิด คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Application Development, English Lesson, Grade 8 Students


The purposes of the research were 1) to develop application for English lessons of grade 8 students by using the project format effectively according to criteria (80/80) 2) to compare the learning achievement before and after using application for English lesson 3) to examine satisfaction of the grade 8 students influence on application for English lessons. The sample of the research were 49 students studying in grade 8 in the second semester academic year 2018 from 2 classrooms by cluster sampling, 22 students with high level of academic performance and 27 students with moderate and weak levels. The research instruments consisted of 1) application for English lesson 2) pre and post achievement tests 3) application for English lesson quality evaluation form 4) satisfaction questionnaire. Statistic in the research used percentage, the average value, standard deviation, developmental testing (E1/E2) and t-test dependent. The research results were as follows : 1 ) the group of students with high level of academic performance has efficiency E1 = 85.38 E2 = 84.94 and the group with moderate and weak levels has efficiency E1 = 82.54 E2 = 80.56  according to set criteria 2) comparing learning achievement found that both groups of student using application for English lessons, post-test higher than pre-test different significance at the .01 level  3) the satisfaction of students toward using application for English lesson are satisfied at the highest level.


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How to Cite

สมคิด ณ. (2021). Development of Application for English Lesson for Grade 8 students: Development of Application for English Lesson for Grade 8 students. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(2), 31–46. retrieved from