The Implementation of the National Skill Standard Policy of the Lopburi Provincial Skilled Labor Development Center

The Implementation of the National Skill Standard Policy of the Lopburi Provincial Skilled Labor Development Center


  • Nattitha Wongsang มนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์​ มหาวิทยาลัย​ราชภัฏ​เทพ​สตรี​
  • Wasita Kerdphol Prasopsak
  • Waraporn Subruangthong


National Skill Standard Test, Implementing The National Skill Standard Policy In Practice, National Skill Standard


   The purposes of the research were study the factors that influence implementing the national skill standard policy in practice, and reveal the results of implementing the national skill standard policy in practice. This was a mixed methodology research. Quantitative research was collected data by using questionnaires. The population used in the research were 17 officers of the Lopburi provincial skilled labor development center and 122 people from the workplace who passed the National Skill Standard test. Data were analyzed by using percentage, population mean and standard deviation and as well qualitative research Data were collected using an interview form with 6 key informants. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The findings showed that: 1.The factors that influence implementing the national skill standard policy in practice, in the perspectives of Lopburi provincial skilled labor development officers. The highest means were objectives and standards of resources of policy. According to people in the workplace who passed the National Skill Standard test, the highest mean was policy communication. And 2.According to the results of implementing the national skill standard policy in practice, as the perspectives of officers, they claimed that the employees have met the setting of the skill standard. The highest means were the people who passed the test have increased their knowledge in the theory of working and they can save more time and lessen accidents from occurring while working. In the perspectives of people who work in the workplace who passed the National Skill Standard test, the employees have met the setting of the skill standard. The highest mean was when they passed the test, they could apply knowledge for more effective working, and the business establishment accepted the national skill standard


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How to Cite

Wongsang, N. ., Kerdphol Prasopsak, W. ., & Subruangthong, W. . (2021). The Implementation of the National Skill Standard Policy of the Lopburi Provincial Skilled Labor Development Center: The Implementation of the National Skill Standard Policy of the Lopburi Provincial Skilled Labor Development Center. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(3), 51–64. retrieved from