Implementation of Good Governance in the Management of Huai Hin Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Chai Badan, Lop Buri


  • Siraprapha Phadlom คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเทพสตรี
  • Mayuri Rattanasermpong
  • Waraporn Subruangthong


: Management, Good Governance, Huai Hin Subdistrict Administrative Organization


The purposes of this study were to 1. study the implementation of good governance in the management of Huai Hin Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Chai Badan, Lop Buri, and 2. study the problems and obstacles in applying the principles of good governance in the management of Huai Hin Subdistrict Administrative Organization. The sample group used in this research were 51 administrators, government officials, employees and members of Huai Hin Subdistrict Administrative Organization and 5 key informants. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and content analysis

The results showed that: 1. The application of good governance in management of Huai Hin Subdistrict Administrative Organization at a high level. There is good governance within the organization with cooperation from all parties, whether it is the management team. Internal personnel, council members, village leaders and the general public. 2. Problems and obstacles in applying good governance in management 1. Response principles in public service can not be done through the computer system People are not comfortable in receiving services. 2. Principles of participation. People do not cooperate in entering the community.       3. the principle of decentralization of some assignments of power transfer Management has not yet transferred powers to operators, thus causing delays in the operation.  4. Principles of equality, born of intimacy and respect This causes the work to do without equality. 5. The principle focuses on consensus, does not practice.


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How to Cite

Phadlom, S. ., Rattanasermpong, M. ., & Subruangthong, W. . (2022). Implementation of Good Governance in the Management of Huai Hin Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Chai Badan, Lop Buri. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(1), 55–78. retrieved from