Examining the Trends of Second Language Pronunciation Articles: A Two-Decade Content Analysis
Second Language Pronunciation, Second language pronunciation, Content analysis, English as a foreign language, English As A Foreign LanguageAbstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the research trends in the field of second language (L2) pronunciation teaching and learning using content analysis. The articles were selected from four research journals including English Language Teaching, CATESOL Journal, Educational Technology & Society, and World Englishes between 2001 and 2020. The total of 39 scholarly articles were reviewed to determine 1) number of publications, 2) countries, 3) topics, 4) samples, 5) methods, and 6) dependent variables. The results showed that the number of L2 pronunciation research was increasing in 2005, most publications were published in China, the topics that were most emphasized were the development of phonetic awareness through technology, qualitative research methods were most frequently used, students were preferred as research participants, and the most important language features were English consonants and stress. The results show the general tendency of second language pronunciation research in a global context.
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