The Development of Interactive Multimedia with Active Learning about The Solar System of The Department of Science Pratomsuksa 4

The Development of Interactive Multimedia with Active Learning about The Solar System of The Department of Science Pratomsuksa 4


  • Thamonwan Taosiri Education
  • Sutithep Siripipattanakul


Active Learning, Interactive Multimedia, Solar System


     The objectives of research were to: 1) develop the interactive multimedia with active learning about The Solar System to reach efficiency index of 80/80, 2) compare the learning achievement of the pretest and posttest of the students using the interactive multimedia with active learning about the Solar System, and 3) study the satisfaction of Pratomsuksa 4 students on the study of using the interactive multimedia with active learning about The Solar System. The sample consisted of thirty Pratomsuksa 4 students in Anuban Lopburi School. The research instruments consisted of 1) the interactive multimedia with active learning about The Solar System lesson plan, 2) the interactive multimedia with active learning about The Solar System, 3) pretest and posttest, and 4) the satisfaction form of the interactive multimedia with active learning about The Solar System of the Department of Science Pratomsuksa 4 for the students. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, S.D. and independent t-test.   The research findings revealed that: 1) the result of the development of the interactive multimedia with active learning about the solar system has efficiency index 81.16/87.83 that reached the criteria formulation, 2) the learning achievement after using the interactive multimedia with active learning higher than the mean of pretest at the statistical level of .01, and 3) the level of satisfaction on the interactive multimedia with active learning is highly satisfied.  


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How to Cite

Taosiri, T., & Siripipattanakul, S. . (2021). The Development of Interactive Multimedia with Active Learning about The Solar System of The Department of Science Pratomsuksa 4: The Development of Interactive Multimedia with Active Learning about The Solar System of The Department of Science Pratomsuksa 4. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(3), 65–80. retrieved from