The Improvement of a Supervision Process on the School Practicum of the Fifth-Year Education Students at the Faculty of Education, Mahamakut Buddhist University
Improvement, Pre-service Teachers, Supervision ProcessAbstract
The research aimed to: 1. study the current state of the supervision process and patterns of the fifth-year Education students’ practicums; 2. improve the process and patterns of the supervision, and 3. approve the process of the supervision. The research tools were: 1. a questionnaire on the current state of the supervision process; 2. the interview on the supervision practices, and 3. the supervision approval evaluation form. The target groups included: 1. forty-eight Education students who were in their practicum practice for the teaching professional experience; 2. thirty teachers and school executives joined by their consents, and 3. five experts to evaluate the supervision process chosen by the purposive sampling. The data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation.
The result found that: 1. the current supervision process on the fifth-year Education students’ practicums, was practiced, overall, at a high level which was at 3.89 ( ) (S.D. = 0.223); 2. the patterns of the supervision process included preparation, supervision, conclusion and evaluation, reflection as well as sharing and transferring knowledge and experiences; and 3. the supervision patterns were approved by the experts with the highest level of suitability at 4.27 (
) (S.D. =0.502).
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