Management of Private Nursing Home: A Case Study of Mutita Nursing Home in Nakhon Pathom Province


  • Jeerawan Wechsuwanmanee -


McKinsey 7-S Framework, Elderly, Private Nursing Home


The research on the management of private nursing homes which is the case study of Mutita Nursing Home in Nakhon Pathom aims to 1) study nursing home management using the McKinsey 7-S Framework and 2) investigate the difficulties, barriers, and guidelines for establishing nursing home management, by using a qualitative research methodology. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews and non-participant observations with the three groups of informants in a total of 18 people, including administrators, staff, and elderly people or relatives. The data were examined for their accuracy and reliability using three types of data including interview data, the observations during the interview, and the document. The document was analyzed and validated using content analysis to obtain insightful information on all issues and to determine whether the gaining data followed the research objectives before being presented through descriptive writing.

From the research on the management, as well as the issues and barriers encountered after applying the McKinsey 7-S Framework to the service establishments, the results revealed that: 1) the organization structure was flexible and uncomplicated; 2) there were strategies for an online marketing promotion; 3) the management system was well-organized and flexible; 4) the organization employed family-like management that fostered friendly and harmony working environment; 5) the staff had a service mind in working with the elderly; 6) the staff was very skillful in caring the elderly and 7) the team bounded the mutual idea of having a family-like relationship. 


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How to Cite

Wechsuwanmanee, J. (2022). Management of Private Nursing Home: A Case Study of Mutita Nursing Home in Nakhon Pathom Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(2), 35–54. retrieved from