The Study of Condition of Music Teaching and Learning Management of Brass Instruments of Music Education Department of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Thepsatri Rajabhat University


  • Apiwat Suriyos -


Brass Instruments, Teaching and Learning Management, Music education, Teaching and Learning Management Condition


    This qualitative research aimed to study the condition of music teaching and learning management of brass instruments of Music Education Department at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Thepsatri Rajabhat University in 5 aspects including curriculum, students and teachers, teaching and learning management, teaching materials, and assessment and evaluation. The participants were the Head of the Music Education Department, a brass instruments music teacher, and 15 Music Education students, in total 17 participants. The study was conducted in the second semester of the academic year 2021. The research tools were three types of interview forms which were: 1. the interview forms for the Head of the department which consisted of the interview forms about a curriculum and the students and teachers of the department; 2. the interview form for the first to third-year students who enrolled in the brass instruments study. The interview forms were about teaching and learning management, teaching materials, and assessment and evaluation in the course, and  3. the interview form for a brass instruments music teacher that focused on the assessment and evaluation in the course. The results showed that for the curriculum, teaching and learning in a Brass Instrument Course focused on the practice of basic skills of playing brass so that the college students could easily employ the knowledge to their students. For the student and teacher aspect, the basic brass instrument exercises were applied to the students to make it simple and clearly understood. In the teaching and learning management aspect, the classes were set in the form of an online platform due to the epidemic of COVID-19. In the teaching materials aspect, the Metronomes and Tuners were brought into the class to increase the students’ accuracy when they performed. For the assessment and evaluation aspect, the individual assessment was focused as it means to evaluate the real ability of each student on their brass performance skills. This would allow both students and teacher to apply the assessment results to improve their skills.


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How to Cite

Suriyos , A. . (2022). The Study of Condition of Music Teaching and Learning Management of Brass Instruments of Music Education Department of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science Thepsatri Rajabhat University . Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(3), 21–42. Retrieved from