Factors Affecting Efficiency of the Management of the Saving Group for Production in Hua Pluak Subdistrict, Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province
The study aimed to investigate: 1. the management of the saving group for production at Hua Pluak Subdistrict, Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province; 2. the efficiency of the management of the saving group for production and 3. the factors affecting the efficiency of the management. The samples were 281 members of the saving group for production who live in Moo. 1-12 in Hua Pluak Subdistrict, Sao Hai District, Saraburi Province. They were selected using stratified sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire, and the statistics used to analyze data included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The findings showed that: 1. the management of the saving group for production, in overall, was at a high level. When considering individual aspects, it was found that the mean scores of each aspect were at high-level ordering as follows: the asset allocation, the participation, the operation, and the working outcomes, respectively; 2. the efficiency of the management, overall, was also at a high level. When looking at each aspect, it was found that the loan review and approval aspect, the expediting debt tracking, the supportive environment, and the planning aspect, were all at a high level; 3. for the factors affecting the efficiency of the management of the saving group for production, it found that the factors including the operation, the asset allocation, the members’ participation, and working outcomes were related in the same direction with a statistically significant at .01 level.
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