The Study of Roots of Life Symbolism in the Chinese Novel “Red Sorghum”


  • Lalida Wissanuwong -
  • Kanokporn Numtong
  • Chatuwit Keawsuwan


Red Sorghum, Muo Yan, Roots of Life, Symbols in the Novel, Tamnan Rak Thung Si Phloeng


   This article aimed to study the symbols representing the roots of life that appear in the Chinese novel "Red Sorghum" (红高粱家族) by Muo Yan (莫言). The study methodology is to collect data from the novel text; after that, take data for analysis, and write the results in descriptive analysis.  The study has found symbols that represent the roots of life appearing in  the story consisting of 2 categories. First category is natural and geographical symbols, including 1. The red sorghum and 2. The black soil and The Black River. The second category is the sociological and cultural symbols, including 1. The red sorghum liquor,   2. The spring pancake, and 3. The grandmother. Each of these symbols conveys its own symbolic and cultural meaning that expresses the root of life, with a relationship that cannot be separated. At the same time, these symbols represent the roots of life, one of which has a common meaning that needs to be communicated is to survive. The roots of life reflect the basis of the existence of life and the struggle for the survival of human life. These symbols convey more than the words they appear. The roots of life appear in symbolic forms in this Chinese novel to convey the meaning of culture, the way of life. This is a part of a cultural system that readers and researchers are involved in determining the implications of the symbols appearing in the literature.



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How to Cite

Wissanuwong, L., Numtong , K. ., & Keawsuwan, C. . (2023). The Study of Roots of Life Symbolism in the Chinese Novel “Red Sorghum”. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 5(1), 67–92. Retrieved from