Research on the Differentiation between Xiangxi Tie-dye and Nantong Tie-dye


  • Gao Xiang Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University


Xiangxi Tie-Dyeing, Nantong Tie-Dyeing, Comparative Study, Traditional Art Preservation


   Tie-dyeing is a specific fabric dyeing pattern resulting from binding and dyeing the fabric in particular ways. Tie-dyeing in China developed into diverse styles due to geographical, historical, and cultural factors. This paper compared the tie-dye products, development process, and sales mode in Xiangxi and Nantong. The development of tie-dye in Xiangxi is mainly a combination of traditional tie-dye and local tourism. In contrast, Nantong tie-dyeing is more modern in its techniques and production methods and thus is more innovative than traditional tie-dyeing. This paper identified the major problems in developing the tie-dye industry in Xiangxi: insufficient talent, low production efficiency, and low product quality. The current problems in Nantong include the tie-dye industry lacking designing talents, products lacking cultural heritage, and cooperates lacking brand awareness. This paper suggested that the tie-dye industry in Xiangxi and Nantong should learn from each other and improve personnel training, product marketing, and brand building to promote their status quo. This research is conducive to the target protection of the tie-dye industry and the inheritance of other traditional handicraft arts. 


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How to Cite

Xiang, G. (2024). Research on the Differentiation between Xiangxi Tie-dye and Nantong Tie-dye. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 6(1), 201–216. retrieved from