A Study on the Interpretation Model of Plant Nouns Based on Generative Lexicon Theory


  • Yun Huang College of Chinese studies, Hua Chiew Chalermprakiet University
  • Shichun Li College of Chinese studies, Hua Chiew Chalermprakiet University


Generative Lexicon Theory, Qualia Role, Plant Words, Paraphrase Patterns


   This article takes plant nouns as the research object and establishes five physical roles for plant nouns: form, composition, function, behavior, and implementation. By comparing the similarities and differences in the interpretations of medium-sized Chinese-English dictionaries, it is found that the present Chinese (7th edition) has the problem of unbalanced and inaccurate number of qualia roles and inconsistent order in the use of descriptive words to describe the basic category of the original meaning of plant nouns. In the case of "peach", "plum", "pear", "persimmon", "apricot ", "grass", "flower", "tree", "laurel", "lotus" and "hemp", the basic meanings of common plant words are used as cases to explore the interpretation patterns of plant words in the dictionary and to propose the improvement and optimization of the interpretation. By establishing the interpretation patterns of plant words, it is clear that the introduction of generative lexicon theory can improve the accuracy, systematization and scientificity of the interpretation of botanical word dictionaries.  


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How to Cite

Huang, Y., & Li, . S. . . (2024). A Study on the Interpretation Model of Plant Nouns Based on Generative Lexicon Theory: . Lawarath Social E-Journal, 6(2), 67–86. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/265273