A Study of Achievement on Learning Management Using The Committee Work Method in The Realization of Educational Change Course for Thai and English Major Students


  • Yanyong Lanlod Thepsatri Rajabhat University


Committee Work Method, Realization of Educational Change, Thai and English Major Students


   This research aims to study: 1. the efficiency of learning management using a committee work method in the Realization of Educational Changes course with an approach of 80/80; 2. the effectiveness of the learning management using the method; 3. the learning management’s achievement using the method; and 4. students’ attitudes toward the learning management using the method. The samples were 3rd-year Thai and English major students in the 2nd semester of 2022, selected by a simple random sampling of drawing lots in the classroom. The research instruments included a lesson plan of the Realization of Educational Changes course, a learning achievement test, and questionnaires about students’ attitudes toward learning. The data were analyzed using a mean, a standard deviation (S.D.), and a t-test.

          The results were as follows: 1. the efficiency of the learning management using the committee work method was 81.61/81.06, which was higher than the 80/80 criteria; 2. the effectiveness of the learning management using the method was 0.6216, and  the students gained more knowledge on the subject at 62.16 percent; 3. the level of learning management after using the method was higher than before, with the statistic significant at.05; and 4. the students’ attitudes toward the learning management using the method were at a high level.    


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How to Cite

Lanlod, Y. (2023). A Study of Achievement on Learning Management Using The Committee Work Method in The Realization of Educational Change Course for Thai and English Major Students. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 5(3), 23–38. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/265438