A Study on the Efficiency of Using the Aircraft Mechanic Training Aid Handbook: A Case Study of the 23rd Aircraft Maintenance Technical Inspector and Supervisor Course
Aircraft Mechanic Training Aid Handbook, Aircraft Mechanic Tools, Technical Inspector, Army Aviation SchoolAbstract
The objectives of this study are to: 1. study the efficiency on using an Aircraft Mechanic Training Aid Handbook with an 85/85 criteria and 2. compare the learning outcomes before and after the training. The samples were fifteen students studying in the 23rd Aircraft Maintenance Technical Inspector and Supervisor Course. The research tools included the Aircraft Mechanic Training Aid Handbook, the training aids, hands-on skill record forms, and the learning achievement tests. To determine the learning achievement from the use of handbook, the pre-and post-training outcomes were evaluated using mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.
The research results showed that: 1. the samples’ achievement test scores after the training using the handbook were 88.53/92.00 which reflected the efficiency related to the criteria, and 2. the results after using the Aircraft Mechanic Training Aid Handbook in the 23rd Aircraft Maintenance Technical Inspector and Supervisor Course, showed that the samples’ practical-test scores after the training were increased with a statistical significance at 0.05. This indicates the effectiveness of the handbook used in the training that it has positive effects on the samples’ post-test scores.
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