Human Resource Development in Bureaucracy in the Digital Age of Kokko District Municipality, Mueang Lopburi District, Lopburi Province


  • Pornchuda Somkhaiw คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเทพสตรี
  • Mayuri Rattanasermpong
  • Wasita Kerdphol Prasopsak


Human Resource Development, Government Digital Era, Municipality


This article aims to 1) study the present condition of human resource development in the digital government era of Kokko Sub-district Municipality, Lop Buri District, Lop Buri Province, and 2) investigate the approaches of human resource development in the digital government era. Qualitative research was employed by conducting in-depth interviews with 16 key informants; executive administration officers, practitioner officers, and employees. The instrument was semi-structured interview in order to collect the data and the collected data were analyzed by means of content analysis.

The results showed that: 1. For the present condition of human resource development in the government digital era of Kokko Sub-district Municipality, there is a personnel development plan that focuses on developing traditional individual skills to increase knowledge, skills, and expertise in their specific line of work. There are 3 areas of development which are training, education, and career development. There is also a knowledge management plan that can exchange and share knowledge among one another by adjusting the workflow. 2. For the approaches of human resource development in the government digital era of Kokko Sub-district Municipality, there should be an emphasis on developing the skills for working in the digital era, for example, using information systems to manage the pension database, developing an electronic office information technology system (E-office) within the organization, developing information technology system skills to facilitate services to the public, developing employees’ skills to cope with changes in the era of social globalization such as developing English skills and developing information tools and equipment to be ready for Thailand 4.0 era.


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How to Cite

Somkhaiw, P. ., Rattanasermpong, M., & Kerdphol Prasopsak, W. . (2022). Human Resource Development in Bureaucracy in the Digital Age of Kokko District Municipality, Mueang Lopburi District, Lopburi Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(2), 55–68. Retrieved from