Guidelines For Academic Administration of Opportunity Expansion Schools Under the Office of Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area


  • Suttinee Keawrukyot -
  • Sunchai Chucheep
  • Phatsayakron Laosawatdikul


Academic Administration, Educational Expansion Schools Under the Office of Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area


The research aims to study the current situation and desirable conditions to do need analysis, in order to give suggestions and propose guidelines for the academic administration that are coherent with the needs and context of the opportunity expansion schools under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office. The samples were 292 school administrators and teachers that were obtained by a random stratification sampling. Research tools were questionnaires with the confidence value of 0.978, and 0.968, and a semi-structured interview. Quantitative data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Required Index Value (PNI modified). The interview data were analyzed by a content analysis and were presented in descriptive writing. The results revealed that the current and desirable conditions of the schools’ academic administration as a whole were at a high level and the highest level, respectively. Data from need analysis showed the top four needs that were: 1) academic planning; 2) strategies to strengthen the community’s academic performance; 3) coordination in academic development with other educational institutes and other organizations and 4) developing or taking action on giving crucial opinions on the local curricular development. Moreover, there are suggestions on the guidelines for the academic administration in opportunity expanding schools from the experts that were suitable to the context of the schools that could be used in real practice.


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How to Cite

Keawrukyot, S. . ., Chucheep , S. ., & Laosawatdikul , P. . (2022). Guidelines For Academic Administration of Opportunity Expansion Schools Under the Office of Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(2), 139–156. Retrieved from