Plagiarism in Novels

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Pongkiat Kulratanasinsuk


The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between copyright infringement and plagiarism, including the legal consequences of plagiarism in novels. The study found that plagiarism is not considered as copyright infringement if such act is copying of the idea and plot of the novels because the idea and plot of the novel are not protected by the Copyright Act 2537 B.E. Section 6 Subsection 2. In addition, the similarities of novels on facts, scenes, common words, comment, styles, description and fixed formats in the novels is also permitted under the Act. Accordingly, in cases that the court needs to consider the similarity of the novel story, the court must consider all aspects of dispute novel story, which are plots, dialogs, events and others, not the idea, methods and facts in the novel story. In case that the similarity amounts to less than 20 percents of all novel story, the court will dismiss such novel copyright infringement cases.

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How to Cite
Kulratanasinsuk, Pongkiat. “Plagiarism in Novels”. Naresuan University Law Journal 10, no. 2 (December 21, 2017): 153–169. Accessed December 22, 2024.
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