Protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) for Agricultural Product Empowerment

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Wariya Lamlert
Pattaraporn Yenbutra


This article aims at investigating a potential mechanism for Geographical Indications (GIs) to assist, primarily, the agricultural sector by reducing supply competition for traditional products while standardizing the quality and reputation of those products. An additional aim of this study is to review a legal construct around GIs to potentially safeguard the unauthorized usage of the agricultural products. In doing so, it will start by examining the standard of protection that should be granted to GIs by the TRIPs Agreement. Article is finding, which uses the method of document review, would highlight the fact that a potential mechanism to encourage agriculture mainly in developing countries was defined as GIs through a reduction in the cost of delivering conventional products and a standardization in quality. The GI must therefore be registered in order to enable agricultural product in the local community to be allowed by means of legal protection. Furthermore, the generic definition of GI is legally inconsistent with the prior mark and the absence of GI protection in its country of origin may constitute two major impediments to the successful registration of GI. This article concludes with a suggestion that, as long as certain requirements are met, GI registration could ensure that the right holders and all producers in a given geographic area have collective rights in relation to the product. In addition, a national vision and action plan on GIs with clear and transparent guidance should be developed; regulations relating to GI protection, codes of practice, frameworks for quality assurance, and effective marketing plans should be created. 

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How to Cite
Lamlert, Wariya, and Pattaraporn Yenbutra. “Protection of Geographical Indications (GIs) for Agricultural Product Empowerment”. Naresuan University Law Journal 13, no. 1 (June 23, 2020): 45–74. Accessed July 27, 2024.
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