Biometric Data Protection under the Personal Data Protection Act 2019

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Methicha Yuboolchit


The purpose of this abstract is to study the legal and privacy measures of biometric systems. At present, biometrics are used throughout for technology development and various applications. The retention of biometric data in digital format by the service provider may be vulnerable to threats and damage than other forms of information. However, under the Personal Data Protection Act 2019, Section 6 provides for general protection of personal information, but it does not provide adequate and clear biometric data protection, such as digital footprints where the user’s information is stuck online and may be used to identify that particular person in the future. The data subject has “Right to be forgotten” because digital footprints are always intact. Therefore, the author recommends a specific revision of the definition of biometric data protection. By adding the word definition “Biometric data (Biometrics)” in Section 6 to be protected in the use of biometric technology (Biometrics) as provided by law to be equivalent to that of international standards.

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How to Cite
Yuboolchit, Methicha. “Biometric Data Protection under the Personal Data Protection Act 2019”. Naresuan University Law Journal 14, no. 1 (June 18, 2021): 49–71. accessed March 3, 2025.
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