Protection on Food Service Industry under Intellectual Property Law of Thailand

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Chutimadee Korjittavanit


This research aims (1) to study concept, scope, and features among copyright, patent, trademarks, and trade secret laws comparing with Thailand, USA, England in term of the protections for food service industry areas; (2) to analyze the intellectual property protections in food service industry in Thailand study. This research finds that trademark law is the most appropriate law for protecting the creative works in food service industry as it has more flexible for the protections. Accordingly, it encourages the food entrepreneurs to have more ideas to improve their creative works.

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How to Cite
Korjittavanit, Chutimadee. “Protection on Food Service Industry under Intellectual Property Law of Thailand”. Naresuan University Law Journal 8, no. 1 (May 1, 2015): 140–155. Accessed July 27, 2024.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Chutimadee Korjittavanit, Faculty of Law, Bangkok University

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