The offender intoxicated himself and mistook that the injured person give him the consent

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Suttinee Yusawat


According to social, economic and political conditions are in the current stress. So the people must find the way to remedy their stress whether by playing sport, exercising, traveling, doing outdoor activities or praying etc. These activities are all beneficial to the bodies and minds of those individuals. But some people find their solution by drinking alcohol, intoxicant abuse or drug abuse, which can affect the bodies and minds of those who take them. Furthermore, it may also cause criminal’s problem because some people have committed crime while intoxicated.

The offence, while the offender is intoxicated, has been defined in Penal Code section 66, which is excuse. It provided that the intoxication is caused without the knowledge or against the will of the offender, and such person has committed the offence at the time of not being able to appreciate the nature of illegality of his act or not being able to control himself. If alcohol or the otherwise intoxicated offender commit the offence by mistake of fact that the victim give him the consent, the legislation’s result would be like. This article presents the idea of the criminal law and the facts relate to the offender committed crime while intoxicated, and mistake of fact that the victim give him consent. Furthermore, this article will be a source of information in study and will be a source of searching in the future.

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How to Cite
Yusawat, Suttinee. “The Offender Intoxicated Himself and Mistook That the Injured Person Give Him the Consent”. Naresuan University Law Journal 7, no. 2 (November 1, 2014): 18–35. Accessed September 1, 2024.
Academic Articles
Author Biography

Suttinee Yusawat, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Naresuan University

โทรศัพท์ 0-8199-8637-9
โทรศัพท์ที่ทำงาน 0-5596-2249


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