Thianwan Literature Influences on the Development of Public Law of Thailand

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Sirinapa Prothian


The purpose of this thesis was to study the development of the concept of modern public law, which has dominated the Thai administration since the reign of King Chulalongkorn Such administration led first to the regime of the absolute monarchy and then to a modern state.

During the reign of King Chulalongkorn, the concepts of modern public law were widely understood by the rulers, lords, well-educated people and those interested in foreign political doctrines. King Chulalongkorn reformed the country in various aspects, particularly  in politics and administration. The reforms had an effect on the public law i.e. rapid limitation  of lords’ power in the old regime and centralization of power in the hands of the king. However, a group of people attempted to challenge the absolute monarchy regime. This group called for the change of the administration by asking for promulgating of a constitution which is the highest law and where the king is under the law.

Of basic principles,as discussed above.Brings to the study in this thesis.The objective is to study the literary devices used to present in Thianwan’s literary works which are found in the books: Tulavipakpojjanakit Siripojjanapak .The results of the descriptive analysis study  are documentary and research qualitative research)

The result of the study found  his view concerning the monarchy refers to  the important qualifications of the monarchy which are the ten kingly virtues angd wisdom since the monarchy has important royal duties such as to look after and watch over the citizenry. The nobility has important qualifications such as possessing virtue,khowledge ang capability. The people in Thianwan view play an important part in the development of the country.As for slaves, Thianwan suggested the abolition of slavery.As to his world view concerning the condition of the sexes, Thianwan gave importance to the female gender since women have have a role and duty in training ang bringing up children to be good or bad,The law and the court system of should be improved. Thianwan belived that gambling should be abolished as well as the value of having more than one wife  Thianwan thought that the country country country be best administered through the system of democracy under a constitutional monarchy.

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How to Cite
Prothian, Sirinapa. “Thianwan Literature Influences on the Development of Public Law of Thailand”. Naresuan University Law Journal 7, no. 2 (November 1, 2014): 110–128. Accessed December 22, 2024.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Sirinapa Prothian, Faculty of Law, Burapha University

ศาลจังหวัดนครสวรรค์ ถนนไกรลาศ ตำบลนครวรรค์ตก อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดนครสวรรค์ 60000 โทรศัพท์ 0-5637-0527-30 08-9416-2956 09-3135-4235


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