Analysis of Legal Problems Arising from National Education Act B.E.2542 in Term of Educational Decentralization

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Direk Borvornsakulcharoen


This research paper aims to analyze the legal problem arising from the educational decentralization. Data sources include documents and related researches, statutes, regulations, principles and five important persons. Research tools include a record form and questionnaire, data collection, document analysis and interview with five important persons. The content analysis shows: 1) Section 1 of the Constitution of the Royal Kingdom B.E.2550 provides that Thailand is a single and indivisible kingdom. Moreover, Section 289 of the Constitution of the Royal Kingdom B.E.2550 provides the local administrative agencies with

the power of educational administration. The provision is based on the main principle of democracy that emphasizes the decentralization to the civil society. Therefore the educational decentralization is not inconsistent with the constitutional provision. Section 80(4) compels the promotion of local administrative agencies to take part in educational administration so as to ensure educational quality improvement. The educational quality should be equal and in compliance with state fundamental policies. As it is a supportive law, the interpretation should be extended to cover two possibilities: local administrative agencies able to administrate their own education directly or cooperate with other public agencies in administrate their own education. 2) The righteousness of educational decentralization is certainly assured in the legal provision. However, it is otherwise in the data interview, which raises an issue for each agency to enforce it. Section 39 of the National Education B.E.2542 provides the educational institutes with the power of administration in different arenas, which prepare the institute for future decentralization. However, the enforcement of the Act has yet to be concrete. In other words, the high–level agencies are still reserving the power, not decentralizing to low–level or practicing agencies. The National Education B.E.2542 also provides a planning and procedure of decentralization to local administrative agencies in Sections 16, 17 and 18. However the provision states the obligation of local administrative agencies, but fails to mention necessary regulations detailing the exact procedure and other related agencies’ role in decentralization. As a result, there might be a question whether the educational decentralization relates to or comply with the National Education Act B.E.2542 or not: it provides the local administrative agencies with full autonomy to establish their own educational institutes. There are two methods of decentralization of local administrative agencies. First, local administrative agencies establish their own educational institutes. Second, local administrative agencies receive the educational institutes from the Ministry of Education. However there is no legal provision to support local administrative agencies’ 0administration of the educational institutes. In conclusion, there are some loopholes in the decentralization to the local administrative agencies.

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How to Cite
Borvornsakulcharoen, Direk. “Analysis of Legal Problems Arising from National Education Act B.E.2542 in Term of Educational Decentralization”. Naresuan University Law Journal 7, no. 1 (May 1, 2014): 104–121. Accessed December 22, 2024.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Direk Borvornsakulcharoen, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Ubon Ratchathani University

ที่อยู่บ้าน 85 ถนนสถลมาร์ค ตำบลเมืองศรีไค อำเภอวารินชำราญ จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี 34190 โทรศัพท์ 0453539374 , 045353930


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